A number of years ago I overheard my sister who never met a vaccine she wasn’t in love with say, “they are perfectly safe. Everyone should get them!” And this was a while before Covid.

She was shocked when I butted in, “No they’re not.”

What are you talking about? Of Course they are. I never heard of anything so absurd!

Well if they are so safe, why has the government paid out $4 billion to families of the vaccine Injured?

I don’t believe that. Where did you see that?

On the NIH website. Would you like me to send you the link?

Yes I would like to see that!

I proceeded to send her the link as well as VAERS data proving my point. A year or so passed and while visiting her, again I overheard her telling a friend that vaccines are perfectly safe and everyone, especially the kids shouldn’t miss getting them. I didn’t even bother asking her if she ever looked at what I sent her.

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I was reading one of the reports. A one year old committing suicide? Ok now I’ve heard it all.

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