I've followed David Ickes and initially, didn't take him seriously. But in light of what is happening, I'm keeping an open mind. Thank you for sharing!

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But golly, think of all that satanic money the company and Stockholders got paid!

Taxpayers paid the government to pay the jab juice makers to poison the taxpayers.

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I grew up in the 20th Century. In the first half the crime of the century was the Lindbergh baby kidnapping - In the later years it was the murder of OJ Simpson’s wife. And not a day went by without the non stop media reports. My goodness, those seem so tame next to what’s going on now but most people are completely oblivious. They’re getting away with the murder of millions.

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I keep asking myself "why is this happening?" How is it possible for our own government to be complicit in killing its own people? Something wicked lurks behind the curtain!

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Vince - It really does come down to asking questions which the media are not doing. In fact they encourage the rest of us not to either. This is why I call this fiasco Stupid 19 - it really managed to reveal who are critical thinkers and who are compliant gullible sheep.

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William Cooper warned us and David Icke continually does. When I saw a Reptilian I said David was right on,!

They want humanity enslaved or dead!

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Jay, Please elaborate on seeing a Reptilian. Very interested in details! Thanks!

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They are inter dimensional. They can shapeshift and appear as human just like David Icke says.

It requires knowing that we are also inter dimensional and all of our life is actually an hallucination as well as our dreams. Quantum Physics goes right in sync with A Course In Miracles teachings.

When I saw him he was in the basement of a building I own in 1993, except that the building and basement was not even built or in any plans at that time. I started to plan and build the building in 1997 actually planning it without a basement then starting it over with that basement.

I didn't give this odd situation a thought until some months back.

There is much more to this situation that is personal but it assures me that Reptilians and Satan are linked together.

Both a nurse coming to work and a UPS semi driver saw a reptilian run across I-25 early one morning.

In that same area a very serious and truthful friend that has since passed on and his wife confirmed it too, that they watched a low flying plane fly right into a mountain West of the interstate and no explosion. It simply vanished.

The Government is infiltrated and also know damn well that there are others here from all over the universe.

They need not disclose anything of these "others" because I have been seeing these things all of my life.

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