Hi Megan! I love your work! I have been trying to inform my nephew and his wife who had a baby 6 months ago.. they are vaccinating him 🥺 I told her about the detox bath ... I don’t remember how often the bath can be done tho..

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It can be a regular thing. Typically 3-4x per week.

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by Megan Redshaw

I'm interested in articles about medical/governmental intervention in children's health especially as opposed to what the parents' decisions for their children are.

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Thank you Again Megan for all of your efforts. After 40 years of teaching practice members to understand where real health comes from its refreshing to know that a much larger community of people are aware of the chaos Big Pharma and its complicent henchmen have created. Pfizer and, Moderna under Fauci's leadership and control finally overreached and set off alarm bells around the world. My beliefs have cost me my relationship with many family members, my daughter succumbed to work pressure even after she had covid naturally and she took a shot. The first and hopefully the only one she has had in her 25 year life span. She ended up with a traveling blood clot in her thigh and all of the medical practitioners that she encountered refused to acknowledge it, they called it a "bruise". We cleared it with natural health care. Now they openly advertise that they specialize in the treatment of Blood Clots. Hypocrisy at its finest. My young adult kids no longer talk to me. My wife of 38 years and I are divorced. Its a horrible price to pay for telling the truth. Please take care of yourself and the those around you that you Love. Help save the children of this generation from permanent poisoning. All the Best, David Bourree DC DACS

PS Let me know if I can be of any help. I've got nothing left to lose.

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Thankyou for all you do...my first eye opening and revealing of cover up happened in epidemiology and microbiology class in 1984. Our professor showed the shell game of sabin/Salk vaccine and the DDX of meningitis. As the heardled polio vaccine was given credit for the downturn in. cases...meningitis cases went through the roof ... they changed the Dx to a minimum of 30 days of polio to also lessen the caseload...do a piece on that...thx David

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Hi David, I'm familiar with the background on the polio vaccines. I wrote a post about it but for some reason, never ended up publishing it. That's a great idea though!

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Megan Redshaw

All of the above topics that you mentioned are of interest. As for being tired of the Covid topic, no, I am not tired of it. Many of my loved ones took the shots. I would like to know how to help them recover (if that is possible) and what signs to look out for as time passes. Have we seen the worst of it, or will everyone who took the MRNA be dead in a few years? I would also like to know what plans the power brokers have in store for us. Will it be more bio-terror? Will it be tied to food shortages? Are they just trying to keep us from eating the foods that will help us fight off disease? I also want to know more about the future of humans. How can we plan for 2030? How are the fertility rates doing? What is going on with the MAID euthanasia program in Canada? Are there other programs like that in other countries? What is going on with China? What is going on with our water supplies? What is going on with geo-engineering? SO MANY interesting topics out there, but when put through the filter of your highly educated and Christian mind, they are even more interesting. What do you think about Universal Basic Income?

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Thank Nicole! These are all really good topics.

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Hi Megan;

I have a question: How does the EUA for a Covid Counter Measure exempt an individual from criminal acts, as for example, forcibly restraining someone and starving them to death, in a hospital bed... for gods sake??


Thanks, Wayne

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I'm not sure they are exempt from these things as a matter of course. I think liability could follow certain situations, but for sure, the PREP Act and the benefits that come with an EUA provide an immense amount of liability protection for COVID countermeasures.

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Megan, I so appreciate you. The time & effort you take to report & respond to your subs is incredibly inspiring. All of your articles peak my my interests. You are doing great work! Thanks.

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Thank you Dena!

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Megan Redshaw

I am trying to help my daughters get through college without mandated vaccines. In particular, Northern Arizona University currently has a mandated measles vaccine. Any information about how other parents have helped their students and shown the mandate to be unlawful/unethical, etc. would be very much appreciated. Thanks bunches and bunches! You are an amazing researcher and writer.

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Hi Tia, I do have a few posts on this Substack that might help if you look at the post archives. The vaultproject.org is also a great resources for vaccine exemptions.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023Liked by Megan Redshaw

Look at her past articles about it. They helped my son receive his religious exemption against COVID.

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Hello Megan. Said with the utmost respect for CHD and yourself, but could you please tell me why you guys (as a group, not you individually) don't cover the graphene oxide and odd technological 'things' that have been found by many researchers in the genetic injections so far? Dr. Jane Ruby estimates there are around 150 researchers/teams who have found G.O. for example. From CHD, not a peep. Radiation and self-assembling technologies may be key to knowing what Covid really is. Many thanks for all you do.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023Author

Hi Pam, I don't work for Children's Health Defense, so I cannot tell you why they have or have not covered it. I do think they have written pieces on this or perhaps have covered it on CHD TV in the past but don't quote me on that. I actually have written articles about studies that have found metallic particles in COVID vaccines. As a matter of course though, I only cover topics that I can verify.

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Your reply is much appreciated, Megan. Ah, I thought you did work for them - sorry.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Megan Redshaw


Check out Dr. Ryan Cole discussing this topic on the Highwire. This is a great topic, and I would trust Megan's take on it as well.

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I haven't watched this yet but I do highly respect Dr. Ryan Cole.

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He said that due to hurried manufacturing of needles, many were shoddily made and the metallic fragments are most likely from these. He said that what people think is Graphene Oxide are actually cholesterol crystals. Also, what untrained people thought were self-aware organisms were tiny leaves carried by dust. It was a good episode. They filmed part of it in a laboratory and also consulted many colleagues to inspect vials of the “vaccine.”

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You know what I'd love to see? A weekly feature that takes an evidence-based, factual look at this week's promotional claim from the CDC. For example, this week on Facebook they are urging pregnant women to get a dTap shot, and claiming it will protect their babies from whooping cough. Is this fact or fiction? Safe or crazy? I'd like to know what their evidence is, and what the facts are.

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Oh, good one!

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Megan Redshaw

Maybe an article on you interviewing a lawyer on central bank digital currency and the ability the state has to implement the deviltry that is possible for them to do and somehow not have a single winnable lawsuit swung their way. I’m not trying to deny the possibility of cbdc abuses, but I haven’t heard investigators or news sources on our side go over our countermeasures. I don’t think a judge or judge panel assuming they’re honest would allow govt powers like turning off access to accounts et al just because we go from paper and plastic to digital currency. Further, our side keeps winning in court. Maybe world war 3 will happen and end the legal system as we know it in the aftermath, but SCOTUS is honest and their decisions have mostly favored our side.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Megan Redshaw

Megan - After reading your well researched pieces in the Defender, I was thrilled to follow you her on your Stack. The best part about living in these insane times is the way we’re all brought together to stand up for humanity and seek out those like yourself who are documenting the idiocies and atrocities. For many years being a truth seeker was a lonely road - not so much anymore.

ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net is a website that’s curated by my friend Alexandra Bruce. Besides being one of the smartest people I know she’s also very connected to the heart - something that so many of us have in common. I suggest you get on the mailing list and start receiving daily videos and reports on what’s the latest going on in this war between good and evil. Today’s was short yet very encouraging as renowned Japanese scientists are going after the Minister of Health for Covid vaccine crimes. Have a look here - https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/japanese-researchers-sue-the-government-for-hiding-inconvenient-truths-about-the-jab/

Again thanks for all you are doing to put dignity and integrity ahead of greed, corruption and apathy.

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Keep doing what you are doing the way you are doing it - while there is a certain degree of confirmation bias to what I already believe, your research and commentary provides me with the assurance that I am not just dreaming up all this stuff. The variations in topics on occasion is also good for me in that you don't become a broken record like Hannity or some of the others on the news that I used to watch. BTW, yours is the only source for which I was and am willing to pay a subscription for, so that that ought to tell you something, don't you think? Good work. And next to my Bible, pretty much is the only trusted source of information I have acquired in a long time. Oh, and I also like you sense of humor when it comes through. That helps in a rather bleak world right now.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Megan Redshaw

I like the mix of topics that you currently have. I have followed you since Living Whole, you back up your words with facts and I always appreciate that.

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Proverbs 3:6 (KJV)

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

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I just like seeing what you have to say.

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