Great article. Was wondering if I could possibly ask for your help - I have an 18y old daughter who has not gotten the Covid vaccine YET, and received about 5 vaccines as a child before I woke up and stopped vaccinating her. She says she doesn't want to necessarily get the Covid vaccine, but wants to get the regular vaccine schedule so she can travel. Would you be able to help me come up with a list of questions to ask her to help her think about it clearly. Like...how do you think you'll feel about this decision when you're 70 etc. Or any other ideas you might have for discussion. This thyroid article is something I will definitely bring up. It is a very touchy subject though, and asking questions seems to help us avoid conflict. Anyway, just an idea for you! Thanks so much for all your hard work in bringing us this important info.

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Once again GREAT information. It seems doctors are all about jabs and pills.

About 10 years ago my Wife was on a diet and lost over 35 lbs and her doctor wanted to put her on Thyroid medication simply because she had lost weight. My wife quit her as a doctor because the pill pusher actually became angry because my Wife refused the prescription.

My Wife is in great health today without that doctor's "help"!

I recently read a story from a mortician warning people TO NOT take the flu jab because it is now killing people.

What part of "Do no harm" do doctors misunderstand?

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